Ultimate Exam Prep for Sales Associates

From: $49.00

Prepare to pass your Florida State Exam with our Ultimate Exam Prep Course for Sales Associates.

Our instructors know what’s important to the regulators and our new exam prep follows the 2023 newly released Florida Real Estate Syllabus exactly and contains all the important information you need to know to pass your Florida State Exam.

To prevent you from feeling overwhelmed, this course is broken up into sections. You can test your understanding of each section after reviewing the Absolute Key Facts for that section.

This exam prep is the most comprehensive exam prep you can buy.  With over 500 state exam practice questions, you can take the quizzes over as many times as you like to increase your knowledge. When you score in the high 90’s on all the quizzes and practice exams, you will have prepared yourself to meet the challenge.

The Sales Associate State Exam is based upon a knowledge, understanding and application of real estate principles and practices, real estate law, and real estate mathematics as provided in Chapter 475, Part I, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 61J2, Florida Administrative Code. The State Exam will consist of one hundred multiple choice questions. You will have three and a half hours to complete the state exam. The examination consists of questions covering nineteen content areas which are listed below with the percentage of questions that will come from each section.

See DBPR Candidate Information Booklet for more information on the Real Estate Sales Associate Examination.

SECTION 1: (1%) The Real Estate Business
SECTION 2: (6%) Real Estate License Law and Qualifications For Licensure
SECTION 3: (2%) Real Estate License Law and Commission Rules
SECTION 4: (7%) Authorized Relationships, Duties and Disclosure
SECTION 5: (12%) Real Estate Brokerage Activities and Procedures
SECTION 6: (2%) Violations of License Law, Penalties And Procedures
SECTION 7: (4%) Federal and State Laws Pertaining To Real Estate
SECTION 8: (8%) Property Rights: Estates and Tenancies; Condominiums, Cooperatives, Community Development Districts, Homeowner Associations, And Time-Sharing
SECTION 9: (7%) Title, Deeds and Ownership Restrictions
SECTION 10: (5%) Legal Descriptions
SECTION 11: (12%) Real Estate Contracts
SECTION 12: (9%) Residential Mortgages
SECTION 13: (4%) Types of Mortgages and Sources Of Financing
SECTION 14: (6%) Real Estate Related Computations and Closing Of Transactions
SECTION 15: (1%) The Real Estate Markets and Analysis
SECTION 16: (8%) Real Estate Appraisal
SECTION 17: (2%) Real Estate Investments and Business Opportunity Brokerage
SECTION 18: (3%) Taxes Affecting Real Estate
SECTION 19: (1%) Planning, And Zoning and Environmental Hazards

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Narration - Ultimate Exam Prep for Sales Associates

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