Our No Cancel Guarantee Policy

Our no cancel guarantee policy refers to our post license and continuing education classroom courses.   We will not cancel a class prior to any renewal date.ur no cancel guarantee policy is for our post license classroom courses.  If you pre enroll in a Post License or Continuing Education class and your license is within 60 days of expiration, we will not cancel the class. If there have been no pre enrollments, and no commitments to attend class 5 days prior to the class date, the class is subject to be rescheduled in six months.

If you need the 14 hour continuing education after all classes are over and time is short, one option is the open book test.

Our classroom Post Sales Associate and Post Broker are normally offered twice a year in February and August and the classroom 14 hour Continuing Education in March and September.

If you miss our classroom course and time is short, you may call and arrange for a “one on one” @ $15.00 per hour plus book in my Bonifay office or take the course online. Call Captain Wayne at 850-547-1333 / 800-482-1375 or email me at captwer@yahoo.com